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15 - the Northern Powers 北方强国

… Clara Bulmer stood on the deck, with her staff in her hands, and sighed.

... 克拉拉-布尔默站在甲板上,手握法杖,叹了口气。

“I really did it…”


By the elation of her post-Growth, she had ended up toxic to her surroundings. She hung her head.


“It's at times like these that I'm truly jealous of elves like Eva, and quilins like May. I hear they don't change much during Growths… Novem-san and Shannon-chan don't seem to change much either.”


Lyle alone stood out extraordinarily, but Aria, Miranda and Clara had a stream of failures post-Growth.


With this time's defeat of Tressy, everyone showed a change in their physical state right after. ……(内容加载失败!请反馈详细信息。)
