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14 - mr. lyle Reads Ahead 莱尔先生读前方

The sun having set, it was night atop the sea.


I was carried to a bed, where I lay and rested up.


A towel was placed on my forehead, and it was pleasantly cool. It was a miscalculation for my face to turn red after merely touching alcohol to my mouth, but I accomplished my objective, so there weren't any problems. I was about to go to sleep.


There, a knock came at the door. When I replied, the one to enter was Vera.


“What, as I thought, you've decided to accept my confession?”


When I said that, she spoke with a fed-up expression.


“Just how optimistic can you be? Just go to sleep already. I only came to say my personal than……(内容加载失败!请反馈详细信息。)
