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13 - God of the Seas 海洋之神

… Novem saw Lyle swallowed up by Tressy's mouth.

... 诺维姆看见莱尔被特雷西的嘴吞没了。

She didn't find it anything to grieve over. He had jumped in of his own accord, with Monica's cannon in hand, after all. And after Tressy closed its mouth, its large body bent back, and its head pointed up at the heavens.


The area from its neck down to its stomach suddenly expanded, and its mouth reeled open.


From inside, with the cannon in his left hand… and Vera held in his left, Lyle was spit out.




She saw the figure of the boy using a body strengthening Skill… what's more the long-lost Third Stage of the Walt House Founder's Skill.

