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5 - Lyle's Party 莱尔的聚会

After passing through Lorphys, and returning to Zayin, it ended up that a party was to be held to commemorate our victory.


Celebrating a joint victory against Selva with Lorphys. Besides that, it was a party to celebrate the completion of the goals all that paperwork hell had been directed at.


In the temple's plaza, a large number of participants indulged in the buffet-style arrangements, as music streamed into the space.


But I was…


“Oh Holy Knight, is it really true you relinquished your captain position?”


“The new captain Noy-dono… will he truly be reliable?”


“Holy knight, which one are you really gunning for? Is it Aura……(内容加载失败!请反馈详细信息。)
