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[1] 乔治·西门《披着羊皮的狼:识破心理操纵术,不再成为情绪勒索和情绪暴力的受害者》

[2] M·史考特·派克《说谎之徒:真实面对谎言的本质》

[3] 梅谷薰《正义的霸凌:主管、热心邻居、好心同事、家人……这些人的「好意」反而让我很受伤,我该怎么回应反击?》

[4]「Core concern: 'Blue Whale' & the social norms research」 https://www.netfamilynews.org/blue-whale-2-months-later-real-concern (最终浏览日2019年12月25日)

[5]「Man who invented Blue Whale suicide 'game' aimed at chlldren says his victims who kill themselves are 'biological waste' and that he is 'cleansing society'」 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4491294/Blue-Whale-game-mastermind-says-s-cleansing-society.html (最终浏览日2019年12月25日)

[6] The Washington Post, 2017.7.11 「Texas family says teen killed himself in macabre 'Blue Whale' online challenge that's alarming schools」

[7]「Blue Whale Challenge」 http://www.bluewhalechallenge.me/
